Sports Day

On February 15, NIRMAN held its Sports Day. Students from Pre-Nursery to Grade 8 all competed in events that required them to work as a team. From bucket races to balancing a potato on a spoon, the students had a lot of fun in one of the first hot days of the new year.
Pre-Nursery Event.

Passing the blocks, supposedly one at a time, from one end of the field to the other.

Putting on, and then removing and passing along as fast as possible, the t-shirt.

Blowing the ball from one plate to another with a straw. It's harder than it looks!

Pouring the water - without spilling - from the first container, into the second, and finally into the third.

Racing with a potato, on a spoon, which is held in the mouth.
By far the wettest event! Racing with buckets filled with water.


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